Sunday Morning Services: 9:30am & 11:00am
We want to make getting connected as easy as possible for you. When you come to our building for the first time, we encourage you to stop by the CONNECT counter in the commons. There you'll have the opportunity to meet a couple of great people that can answer any questions you might have and help you get your hands on some information about our church.
At the counter (and in the sanctuary) you'll have an opportunity to fill out a New Here? card that helps us get to know you a little bit and follow up with you. You can also fill out our online version here.
Summer Schedule for Kids' Ministry
We value having kids in church with us during the summer months, and we see it as a way for parents to disciple their children in how we worship together as the body of Christ. We understand they can be a little noisy, and that's ok! We also provide coloring pages in the Commons area so they can doodle and take notes during the service, too!
Nursery & PreSchool is currently available during the 9:30am and 11:00am service - ages birth to 5yrs in the Lower Level.
Kids Church will resume in the Fall.
Every few months, we offer a special event called Pizza with the Pastors. We invite everyone who is new (or newer) to Trinity to eat pizza, learn more about Trinity Church, and get to know our pastors and their families.
To sign up for the next event, click here.