Accept the Challenge: Read the Bible with us every day this year!
Get Rooted 2017
Get Rooted
It's impossible to grow in Christ and bear fruit without roots. Thankfully, God has given us his Word (the Bible) so that we can know him more and be transformed. What an incredible gift! But too often we let our Bibles sit on a shelf and collect dust. Or we rely on books or pastors or teachers to do the work for us and we end up really missing out. We live in a culture where the Bible is readily available in our own language. Let's read it and get rooted!
Read Scripture
Trinity Church is joining other churches across the country and taking the challenge to get into God's Word and Read Scripture every day this year. Crazy Love Ministries has developed a reading plan and a corresponding app to help us engage God's Word this year. You can pick your start date (we're aiming for January 1st, but you can pick what works for you!) and you can set a reminder to go off every day. The reading is laid out for you and there are occasional videos to give you a little background info.
If you get behind or you're having a hard time keeping the pace, don't worry! Read what you can. One chapter is better than no chapters. Just get in the Word and stick with it!
Download the app for your iPhone or your Android.
If you don't have a smart phone or prefer to use a hard copy of the Bible, you can use the bookmark (available in the bulletin or foyer at church).
If you don't own a Bible, you are welcome to take one from the pew rack at church, ask a pastor, or contact the church office.
Watch the videos
Click on the icon to the left to find the background videos for the reading. These videos will help you to see the structure of the Bible and how it all fits together. They'll also explain some concepts to help you get the most from your reading! The videos are available in the app, but if you're following along with the bookmark, there's a play symbol next to each section with a corresponding video!